Human Design Workshops

In my Human Design Workshops you will learn the most important aspects you need to know about your Human Design. These are group workshops, where we will look at your Type, Strategy, Authority and Profile. These are the most important aspects of your design that you need to know. They tell you how

  • you are meant to navigate this world,
  • how you create your opportunities in life,
  • how to take decisions that are in alignment with your path,
  • how you create energy, but also how you drain it,
  • how you know if you are on the right path, and
  • how you are meant to go through life. 


The Universe has designed you perfectly for your purpose and also gave you a direct line to communicate with it. Learn to understand your language. 


You are unique and it is your greatest gift. 


Human Design is not something that transforms us over night, but it does help us to re-consider our story in an instant, allowing us to re-write our story from this day forward. The thing I like the most about Human Design, is that you don’t have to believe it, you can try it out and see for yourself. This is what is called your Human Design experiment.




Workshops dates

The workshops are going to be online, but also in person - at the moment, only near me, but I am hoping to create pop workshops where you are on my travels, in the future :-) 


Workshop dates:

  • April 2024, online, details will be published soon



This workshop will not go into all the details of your design but it will give you essentially what you need to know to move forward. Knowing more details will help you to re-write your story, but this workshop tells you all you need in order to move forward. If you would like to go deeper, check out my Human Design readings, but I would recommend to start here. It's affordable, it allows you to experience me and determine from there if you would like to dive deeper with me as your coach, or if someone else might suit you better.