Be Yourself

Being ourselves is something most dream of, but don't live. Our life experience tends to make that difficult for us.


There is a lot of judgement that went into us. Both, by others, but also by ourselves. We can't control what others think about us. We try, but we learn it's impossible. With a 5 in my Human Design profile, I could write books about this... 


But the part we can work with, and the part that hurts us even more, in my opinion, is our own judgement of ourselves.


We each view the world through our own filter, tinted by our upbringing and life experience. A lot of the colour of our glasses are from our childhood. Where we judged ourselves with the life experience of a child and teenager, based on our environment and circumstances. And while we often start off with pink, we are often looking through shades of grey by the time we are adults.


We learn to hold back, or as in my case, we hold ourselves back. We try to find ourselves and our place, and then we feel stuck there. We have a certain view of ourselves and our possibilities. All very limited by now. Nothing in comparison to where we started out with our big dreams and visions for our lives once.


Be yourself. Everyone else is taken already. ~ Oscar Wilde

One of the ironies of life is that we are finally free to do what we want to do as adults. And yet we are not. We are in the cage that other people's, and our own, judgement put us in; and all the consequences, because of that. Our financial constraints, for example, are usually a result of our life's circumstances and experiences.


Have you ever noticed your self judgement? Try listening to your thoughts, it's usually not very upbeat, more extremely negative.... And it takes a lot of understanding of ourselves, followed by a lot of effort to escape that trap.


Human Design offers you a perspective of yourself that you'll know already. It will help you to be yourself, so you no longer need to be all the things you are not, and can start living your life. Your version. Because that one isn't taken yet, and can only be lived by you.


Send me a message for a Human Design reading, so you can start seeing yourself in a different light, allowing you to trust yourself and finally walk your path into your life x